Spider Veins
Superficial, enlarged and twisted veins below the skin’s
surface are often referred to as spider veins
Less commonly, they can be known as sunburst varicosities or telangiectasias
These vein problems can progress into more serious, painful conditions, such as varicose veins, if ignored.
There are several spider vein treatments we offer at our specialized Macon vein treatment center to help.

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins – which are swollen, twisted veins caused by the weakening of valves resulting in improper blood flow – except they are closer to the surface of the skin and typically less painful. However, as with any condition, if unmonitored and left untreated, progression and worsening will occur.
  • A large number of people who have spider veins will see them in the legs. 
    • The further away the vein is from the heart, the more effort it takes to pump properly. Plus the weight of gravity, and for many, the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, puts extra pressure on the veins’ valves. 
  • Spider veins also appear on the face, and one reason for this is excessive exposure to the sun. 
In addition to these factors, there are others than may increase the potential for you to have spider veins. Some of these include:
  • obesity
  • pregnancy
  • a family history of spider veins
  • aging and hormonal changes
    See if you qualify
    For some, spider veins are an issue of aesthetics; however, for others, they can become painful – throbbing, itching, swelling.
    They can also carry certain risks. 

    • Because the skin is stretched tightly over the enlarged vein, if injury occurs, it can result in heavy bleeding. 
    • Other risks include:
      • ulcers
      • superficial thrombophlebitis – which is a clot located just barely below the skin’s surface
      • sores
      • deep vein thrombosis
      The circulatory system works by helping blood move both to and from the heart, and when the vein valves fail to open properly, blood can pool and stretch the veins. 
      There are many causes of spider veins:
      • Pregnancy causes spider veins in countless women because of the increased amount of blood in the body, as well as the pressure caused by the expanding uterus. In most cases, spider veins after pregnancy diminish within a few months.

      • Aging and heredity cause spider veins, as well. Our veins weaken as we get older, as do the valves controlling the flow of blood within them. Also, if vein and circulatory problems run in your family, it’s likely you will see spider veins at some point in your life, as well.

      • Obesity and spider veins have been connected because of the additional pressure that extra weight puts on not only the circulatory system, but the body’s overall functionality.

      • Spider veins caused by sedentary lifestyles are common. If you sit for long periods of time or don’t get enough exercise, this can cause vein problems
      Our Macon vein treatment centers specializes in an array of spider vein treatments. If you suffer from unsightly or uncomfortable spider veins, we’re here to help.

      If you believe you have or are developing spider veins, schedule an appointment with your physician. There are some things you can begin to do to help treat the condition, such as wear compression garments or increase your level of physical activity. But, if your spider veins have progressed substantially, you may be referred to a specialist to explore the many spider vein treatment options available.

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