What Is the Difference Between Varicose Veins and Spider Veins?

  • By Admin
  • 11 Sep, 2018

An estimated 20 percent of adults will have varicose veins in their lifetime. For many, varicose veins and spider veins – a milder variation of varicose veins – are a cosmetic concern, but they can also cause discomfort, aching and pain and may lead to more serious health problems down the road.

Looking for better legs? Varicose and spider veins can decrease with the right treatment plan. Call us today!

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are raised, enlarged and swollen blood vessels that often appear bumpy and gnarled. They typically develop in the legs and can be seen through the skin.

These veins often afflict people who are at a higher risk for circulatory problems, so they should be evaluated by a vein specialist. Treatments vary from small lifestyle changes to surgical procedures to remove the veins.

Spider Veins

Spider veins are swollen and can be seen through the skin like varicose veins, but they are smaller, usually red, purple or blue and occur closer to the skin’s surface. They bear a striking resemblance to a spider’s web – hence the name – and appear most often on the legs, face and chest.

What Causes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the body, and veins return blood back to the heart. This means veins in the legs must work against gravity to keep blood flowing in the right direction.

Muscle contractions in the lower legs naturally pump blood upward, but as valves in the leg veins weaken, blood has the potential to pool. Inadequate strength of blood flow and the resulting pooling causes varicose and spider veins.

Anyone can get varicose veins, but some factors predispose you to the condition:

  • Being female
  • Older age
  • Family history of varicose or spider veins
  • Hormonal influences during puberty, pregnancy and menopause
  • The use of hormonal birth control
  • Postmenopausal hormone replacement
  • A history of blood clots
  • Obesity
  • Occupations that require long periods of standing
  • Conditions that cause increased pressure in the abdomen

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Many people who suffer from varicose veins complain of pain, aching and cramping in the legs. Other common symptoms include the following sensations:

  • Burning
  • Heaviness
  • Tiredness
  • Throbbing
  • Tingling
  • Restlessness

Symptoms can often worsen during certain parts of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy. Swelling, ulcers and increased pigmentation around the ankles are less common side effects. If varicose veins go untreated, painful blood clots may form.

What Are Some Treatment Options for Varicose Veins?

-Lifestyle Changes

Skin care, weight loss and daily walks can help naturally treat your varicose veins. Concentrate on eating a low-sodium diet to help reduce swelling and water retention.

-Support Stockings

Support stockings can help with varicose veins.

These stockings can be purchased at surgical supply stores, pharmacies or online. They come in several styles, including above-the-knee, below-the-knee and pantyhose.


Injection treatments can help with troublesome veins.

Performed since the 1930s, this procedure involves injecting a highly concentrated saline solution into the vein. This causes the vein to gradually disappear over three to six weeks.

-Endovenous Laser Treatment

A small laser fiber is inserted into the vein and pulses light at a specific frequency, which causes the vein to collapse.

-Radiofrequency Ablation

VIRA vascular and interventional radiology associates of central Georgia has many treatment options for varicose and spider vein treatments.

A small catheter is inserted in the vein and delivers radiofrequency to the vein wall, which causes it to heat, collapse and seal shut.


There are multiple surgical techniques to eliminate varicose veins, including ligation and stripping, ambulatory phlebectomy and endoscopic vein surgery. Surgery is typically only performed for very large varicose veins. Patients can return home the same day.

-Laser and Intense Pulsed Light

Some varicose veins need surgery to remove and ease the pain. VIRA in central Georgia can help.

Heat energy is used to selectively destroy abnormal veins. No needles or sclerosing solutions are needed, but there is minor discomfort and side effects like discoloration and blister formation.

-One Final Note

Not all varicose veins need treatment. Many people do not experience pain and other symptoms but choose treatment for cosmetic reasons.

Varicose Vein and Spider Vein Treatment at VIRA of Central Georgia

Whether your varicose and spider veins are causing you pain, or you just don’t like the look of them, there are treatment options available. VIRA specializes in minimally invasive solutions. Our methods are fast, safe and effective and are usually covered by insurance. Take our vein assessment to see how we can treat you.

Give us a call at 478-757-8868 or schedule your appointment here.

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